
Antinuke, Moderation, Welcome, Voice, Logging, Utility!

Type &help to see the commands!

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Antinuke in Discord involves bots and measures to prevent server attacks like nuke, channel deletions, and mass bans, ensuring server security.

Use &antinuke to know about antinuke commands! If you want to enable antinuke from Trick Use &antinuke enable command!


Moderation on Discord bots involves automating the management of server rules and user behavior. These bots can mute, kick, or ban users, filter out offensive content, manage roles, and log incidents, helping maintain a healthy and orderly server environment!

Use &help to get Help Menu of Trick after that you will see a dropdown menu click on that and choose moderation!

In Moderation Menu You will see all moderation commands of Trick!


Welcome is one of the commands in Trick, offering several subcommands such as autorole, welcome, welcomechannel, welcomemessage, and more.

The Autorole command is used to automatically assign a role to any member who joins your server. The bot will handle this process seamlessly.

The Welcome command is an embed-based feature that allows you to set a greeting embed in your server. When a new member joins, the bot will greet them with this customized embed.


In the Utility section, you will find common commands that are available in every bot, such as afk, ping, steal banner, avatar, membercount, and more.

Example &avatar @username This command will display the avatar of the specified user!


I believe this command is crucial for Discord bots as it provides comprehensive channel logs, keeping you informed about the activities in your server!

Check out all of these commands!


Maintain order effortlessly with Trick' automoderation, which automatically detects and handles rule violations, keeping your server safe and pleasant for everyone!

To swiftly deal with any spammers or server promoters, this command proves to be the most effective for automatic punishment!


This command section is related to Voice Chat (VC) commands!

With this command, you can moderate your voice channel. For instance, if you wish to disconnect someone from the voice channel, you can use the command &vckick @username Once executed, the specified user will be disconnected from the voice channel.

Custom Role!

With this command, you can quickly assign roles to users. For example, if you have set up a VIP role and you want to assign it to a user, simply use the command &vip @username Executing this command will assign the VIP role to the specified user swiftly.!

Trick Team!